Tuesday, May 13, 2014

And So It Begins

With this post I take my first step down the path of Game Development!

The following is a link to the address on my website where my game is being hosted. The subsequent two links are a simple list of controls and a zip file containing the JoyToKey software and the control files that I set up to use for a PS4 and Xbox360 controller.

This is a 2 Player game, so bring a friend!

The Game
(With premade controller mapping, and jpegs to explain them)

And if you prefer, here's a link to the JoyToKey page though I don't like their website's ads, they pretend to be download links.

At any rate, give this a play through, and let me know what you think about it! I'll be working on this over the course of the next year to refine it and make it as amazing as possible!

Also keep in mind that this is a really rough version of the game and is in need of several adjustments that I discovered through a playtest session I did a few weeks ago. I'm aware of several issues, but if you feel the need to offer some more feedback, I would love to have it!

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Second Year Film

Gaze in wonder at how awful a film-maker I am!

This film was made entirely by myself in a small army of software. The body rigging was done with Advanced Skeleton, but the rest of the film is entirely hand-made by me (unless specified otherwise in the credits. I have a wonderful team responsible for the sound).

Alright, so this year I decided to experiment in a number of ways. I tried to make a film using the same processes that I would use to make a game. There are no post-effects in this film, it's all directly out of Maya. I also tried to keep things low-poly as if they were actually going to be included in a game. Even the lighting is simple enough that it could probably work in-engine with a few adjustments.

Unfortunately, this ended up making the film look really sloppy and I wasn't able to devote enough time to the animation to really sell this as a film. The result is a film I'm largely not satisfied with, but it was an experiment so you live and you learn.

And I've lived and learned that I should just make games and skip the films thing. So next year I'll be doing exactly that. Expect a slew of blog posts about my process in making said game to start appearing in the very near future, including a playable web demo of the earliest possible stage of said game within the next couple of days.

Music by Kerri Shak: https://soundcloud.com/kerri-shak
Sound Design by Veronica Mullins: http://www.veronicasounddesign.com